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One thing our 33 year marriage couldn't survive without


We celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary this weekend. From clothes to cars and computers that's a long time for anything to last much less a relationship between two imperfect, selfish humans! 

We are no different than any other couple who has been married a while and, chances are, they would agree, for a marriage to last, the one thing necessary is Forgiveness. 

From small breaches like forgetting to make coffee to bigger offenses like hurtful words and broken trust, forgiveness is vital to repair, reconcile and rebuild a relationship.

Sooner or later you, too, may find your marriage needs forgiveness so here are some quick reminders of what it is and what it's not:

1. It's not as easy as, "I'm sorry" & "It's ok."

2. It's not excusing the offense.

3. It's not erasing the consequences.

Forgiveness is an act of mercy - a choice to move forward without holding resentment or seeking revenge. It's choosing to not use the offense as ammunition in a future argument. 

Forgiveness is a decision and it takes work but your marriage will be stronger on the other side.

Both of us have been on the extending and receiving end of this virtue at different times over 33 years. We know hurts don't heal overnight so we just want to encourage you that the choice is worth it even if it takes ... one Marriage Minute Monday at a time.


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